golden_age_of_gaia_banner1Check out the new site, "Golden Age of Gaia", formerly the 2012 Scenario. The site has been redesigned and re-directed (in an upward kind of way) for the Golden Age into which we are moving. Here's a bit of what Steve had to say about this.

"Folks, we've just completed the redesign of our site to move it away from The 2012 Scenario, now that we're in 2013, to Golden Age of Gaia – the creation of a New World, a world that works for everyone.

"I personally feel like a proud parent, the hospital staff just having put a new baby in our arms. Anthony Morrison has done a beautiful job or redesigning the graphics and Casey has labored hard at a reorganization of the site. Stephen Cook also played a major role in the makeover."

I believe most of the same people from 2012 Scenario will be sharing their posts, and contribute in a major way to all of us, on our path upward as a planet.

Read more about the new site at this link.